Friday 5 December 2008

Real Illumination

With wormholes it is possible to aquire tremendouse amounts of energy,enough as they say to charge a time machine(which apparently needs a whole galaxies output)

all one has to do is to place the entry points of wormholes at sources of energy and the exit points at the desired point of energy release.

if it is possible to open wormholes to point A to point B,then energy itself can enter and locomote through the wormhole,not only spacehips etc.

the jets of supermassive black holes and quasars the most energetic objects in existence, would be the perfect example,by placing quantum/micro/macro etc wormholes throughout the projecta strata of them you can channel thier energy output wherever you desire.

such wormholes can be placed at any source of energy,trillions of them all funneling energy to the same place.all you have to do is master the art of wormhole creation.

thus all these trillions of wormholes could lead to a central point,say the rear of a spaceship which would generate enough power to propell it at 99% the speed of light.

furthermore for future generations it would be possible to tap the energy of alternate universes and dimension via the same process.

for far future folks creating/altering dimensions and alternate universes for the purpose of energy creation would be feasable.say by fine tuning its process of creation thus its laws of physics.structures resembling rows of truely titanic quasars who are fed the entire contents of the universes matter at a continous rate resulting in jets that would boggle the mind.
the energy from these jets would be funneled to our universe once again at one single point with the end result being a light that would be seen throughout all creation,it would probably tear a large hole in our space time large enough to destabilize our universe to the point of exinction.yeah.

with such energy on various scales some interesting scenarious are possible,the regnition of dormant supermassive black holes in galactic centres resulting in a new burst of star formation in long dead galaxies.

by stealing 1000's of magnetars (the most magneticly powerfull objects in existnce) magnetic fields with wormholes thier magnetic fields would be transfered into titanic bursts of electrons.

also if you can tailor what form of matter or energy you tap with the wormholes,the exit points would enable complex reactions to occur,euch as gamma rays,positrons, and protons all colliding at the same poinrt.

lastly its not only energy you can tap,hows about matter itself!
stealing clumps of a quark stars,or nuetrononium from a nuetron star,hows about that,dumping a load of nuetronium upon your enemies head with a nicely placed wormhole!.
infact wormholes could enable the mass mining of entire solar systems in a very short amount of time.
you could even create your own planets and stars!,stealing all the elements from wherever and transporting them into the same locale.stars would be easy,simply keep stealing hydrogen and wormhole it unto the same point and everntually you get fusion,what could be simpler!!!.

if wormholes are connected or used inter temporaly,that is through time, it would also be possible to gather energy from different times in the universes history and harvest it into one time frame,say the entire energy output of the milky ways supermassive black hole that spans from 11 billion years ago untill about 20 billion years time a total of 30 billion years, into the here and now.
this can be attained by sending a wormhole back in time to the beggining of the supermassive black holes existence,this wormhole then leads to a time portal that sends all collected energy into the same moment in time,thus at one moment and place in time the entire energy output of that supermassive black hole is releases wherever you desire!
this process can also be mimicked on a smaller scale with more contemperary forms of energy creation.

another interesting possibility is gathering the latent enrgy of space time which is known as zero point time sporadicly an continiously forms particles on qauntum scale known as qauntum foam,normaly they dissepear as they are not anchored into existence,akin to a bubble forming then bursting.but with the use of a energy field known as the casimir force it is possible to anchor the quantum foam particles that space time creates into existence.
thus i propose harvesting a designated block of space time for zero point energy by sending a zero point energy harvester back in time to near the creation of the universe untill its end.thus harvesting the latent energy of a block of space time for about 30 billion years and once again sending it into one moment in the earths history.
the amount of energy this would produce would truely and utterly boggle thy mind,and it need not apply to one block,this process could be replicated in a far off empty area of the universe and stealing the total latent energy of space time in an area of 100's of millions of square light years!,enough energy to power a god!.
this reminds me of an area in the universe known as the eridanus supervoid,which is an empty area of space devoid of stars and complex forms of matter,the process i describe above would result in a similiar desolate area of the universe being created.

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